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Creston College Pre-primary School

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Contact information

Tel no: 087 106 8150

Email address:

Physical address: Hillside Crescent, Oslo Beach, Port Shepstone

GPS coordinates: -30.77624, 30.42968


Places nearby

Our school is located in the quiet Oslo Beach suburb of Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal. Our school is just off the R61, but surrounded by beautiful scenery and easily accessible via Marine Drive. We are conveniently close to many shops and restaurants, and nearby attractions include the Southcoast Mall in Shelly Beach. The South Coast Institute for Learning Development (SCILD) is on our doorstep and the specialist therapists work closely with our teachers. We are also very fortunate to be situated next to the Dezzi Raceway, and the Palm Kloof Equestrian Centre, next to the Zotsha River, is just a stone’s throw away.