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Grantleigh Primary School

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Our boarding school

Caring, compassionate staff, comfortable relaxation areas; true, lasting friendships; delicious, healthy meals … your child can enjoy this and more while living in our home-like boarding school.


Welcome home

At Grantleigh, we know that your child needs a safe and comfortable living environment where they feel supported, in order to thrive. This is why we went to great lengths to create a warm, caring home where your child can enjoy their school years while being support academically, physically and emotionally.

Boarders (from Grade 4) may decorate their rooms to make them feel at home and we have a comfortable learning area where learners where they can relax and spend time with their boarding friends. Our boarding school staff fulfil the roles of parent and councillor of sorts, by building a close relationship with each learner and we have an on-site nurse who can care for any bumps and bruises.

Grantleigh boarding school, happy learners, happy girls, Curro school


What we offer

Our boarding school services include laundry and housekeeping, Wi-Fi, healthy meals served in a beautiful dining room and comfortable learning areas to unwind and relax. We also arrange fun activities over the weekends and encourage boarders to participate in all spheres of school life to make friends when they first arrive.


The housing arrangements

Each bedroom accommodates a maximum of four boarders, with boys and girls housed in separate buildings, and full-time boarding staff reside on each property.

We have a daily schedule that balances relaxation and studies, while boarding staff help to track your child’s academic progress. You as parent are also welcome to visit at any time.



Frequently asked questions

  • What happens in a medical emergency?
    In addition to the fully-equipped on-site sickbay and full-time nurse on-site, Netcare The Bay Hospital is 17 km from Grantleigh. For medical practitioner attention, the Caredoc Medical Centre is also available, which is situated just across from hospital.
  • How do leave arrangements and visits work?
    We encourage parents and families to support their children during their various activities at school. Leave for visits may be arranged under special circumstances, only in consultation with the boarding parents.
  • Is theft an issue and how is it dealt with?
    Theft has not been a major problem, as we live in a relatively risk-free and trusting environment with adequate security precautions. Hhowever, each case would be dealt with accordingly.
  • Who monitors my child’s progress?
    Our boarding parents, teachers and tutors monitor their progress daily and communicate with you on a regular basis.
  • Will my child make friends easily?
    Yes, absolutely. One of the advantages of having a limited number of boarders per house, is that they build close friendships.
  • Do boys and girls have separate facilities?
    Yes, boys and girls are housed separately, although they share a dining room.
  • What happens if my child is homesick?
    Our boarding school staff act as parent and councillor, and provide extra comfort and care when your child misses their family.
  • How can I communicate with my child?
    Boarders may keep their cellphone with them at all times to connect with their loved ones.


Arrange a tour

Visit your child’s future home-away-from-home by contacting us for a tour. We would gladly show you around our facilities and, if you wish, take you on a tour of our school. You can also view our school’s fact sheet to discover the subjects, activities and other facilities your child can enjoy at Grantleigh.